Day trip to Hanging Rock
Chinese New Year Dinner
ASX 2008 outlook
Cultural spectacular 2008 Olympia
Day trip to Hanging Rock
Jells Park BBQ



Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association – Victoria, Australia


  Day Trip to Hanging Rock

 You are cordially invited to join us in the Day Trip to Hanging Rock on 5th October 2008 (Sunday)
to explore the history, mystery and geology of the rock and the surrounding area.

Hanging Rock is approximately 75 kilometres north west of Melbourne, along the Calder Freeway.  It rises 105 metres from the plain and is a small steep-sided volcano known as a mamelon that was formed six million years ago over a vent in the earth.  The lava in Hanging Rock has a particularly high soda content and over time rainwater has created unusual rock formations such as the Black Hole of Calcutta and the Cathedral.  We can have wine tasting at the Hanging Rock Winery and take a stroll or a challenging climb on the rock-scaling pinnacles, squeezing through crevices, and scrambling up and down slopes and rock faces. 




Date: 5th October 2008 (Sunday)

Meeting Place: Doncaster Park and Ride (Melway Ref: 46 J1)
Time and Route: Details about the time and route will be given later
Transportation: Coach
Cost: $20 per head (all ages)
Meals: participants to prepare for themselves 

For those who are interested in joining this function please email Edmond Luk ( ) on or before Friday, 19th September.  All CUHK Alumni members and immediate family members welcome so please include the number of participants in your return email.


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This site was last updated 09/13/08