



20 Oct 2021(星期三 WED)

開幕禮暨專題講座【新科技對傳媒及企業品牌的挑戰與機遇】 廣東話 *提供英語即時傳譯
Opening Ceremony cum Keynote Speech – “The Challenges and Opportunities to Media and Brands Brought by Technologies”( Cantonese *Simultaneous Interpretation to English available

 20 Oct 2021(星期三 WED)
 大學行政樓祖堯堂 Cho Yiu Conference Hall, University Administration Building
Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu, Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan, Alumnus Lo Ting-fai, Lofai


The three alumni will share on how new technologies and digital media affect and challenge the work they do – newspaper and magazine, corporate communications and television – and how they utilize the opportunities emerging at the same time.


應林夜話:陳早標師兄的「大學五件事」 廣東話)
Night Talk at Ying Lin Tang: Five Most Important Things in University( Cantonese)

 20 Oct 2021(星期三 WED)
 應林堂 Ying Lin Tang
 陳早標校友 Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu


Alumnus Eric Chan was a resident at Ying Lin Tang during his undergraduate studies in Chung Chi College. He will return to the hostel and chat with Chung Chi people about his memories in CUHK, in particular at Ying Lin Tang. He will also share what he thinks are the “Five Most Important Things in University” looking back from his position now.

21 Oct 2021(星期四 THU)

參觀經濟日報集團辦公室 廣東話)
Hong Kong Economic Times Office Tour ( Cantonese)

 21 Oct 2021(星期四 THU)
 經濟日報集團辦公室 Office of Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited
 陳早標校友 Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu


Alumnus Eric Chan will lead a tour at the Hong Kong Economic Times Office and introduce the operations of their digital platforms.


客席講座:【從紙媒到多媒體:三十年傳媒人的經驗談/新聞教育】 廣東話)
Guest Lecture: 30 Years Through the Evolving Media Environment( Cantonese)

 21 Oct 2021(星期四 THU)
 新亞書院樂群館梁雄姬樓地下雲起軒 Yun Chi Hsien, G/F, Staff Student Centre – Leung Hung Kee Building, New Asia College
 陳早標校友 Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu


Alumnus Eric Chan will share his experience as a veteran media practitioner for 30 years. He will also address how media industry deals with the digital and post-truth era.


客席講座:【「有品」企業】  廣東話)
Guest Lecture: Branding with Class ( Cantonese)

 21 Oct 2021(星期四 THU)
 李兆基樓7號演講廳 LSK LT7
 莊偉茵校友 Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan

莊偉茵校友從事企業傳訊多年,並為不同公營及公共事業機構訂立公關政策。莊校友將分享建立大企業品牌心得及能源企業的ESG策略,以及面對錯誤資訊 (Misinformation) 與造假資訊 (Disinformation)的對策。

Alumna Quince Chong has years of experience in corporate communications. She has devised PR strategies for different public institutions and enterprises. She will share her views on branding a corporate and unfold the ESG strategies of an energy enterprise. She will also discuss the countermeasure towards misinformation and disinformation prevailing in recent years.

22 Oct 2021(星期五 FRI)

節目製作Pitching工作坊  廣東話)
Workshop: Video Program Ideas Pitching( Cantonese)

 22 Oct 2021(星期五 FRI)
 人文館313室 NAH313
 魯庭暉校友 Alumnus Lo Ting-fai, Lofai


Students will prepare their program production ideas beforehand and pitch to Alumnus Lofai. Lofai will give his feedback and teach them how to better develop their creativity.


公關個案研究【公關=拆彈專家?】* 廣東話)
Guest Tutorial: PR Case Study( Cantonese)

 22 Oct 2021(星期五 FRI)
 康本國際學術園9號演講廳 YIA LT9
 莊偉茵校友 Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan


Alumna Quince Chong will pick some cases from her years in the corporate communications industry and share with students, including outstanding examples and “PR disasters”. She will discuss with students and analyze the reasons behind their success or failure.


客席講座:【ViuTV台長解構Mirror、Error現象及經營電視台的創意心得】   廣東話)
“Mirror and Error Phenomenon”: From the Views of ViuTV Commander in Chief and the Creativity underneath TV Channel Operations( Cantonese)

 22 Oct 2021(星期五 FRI)
 李兆基樓6號演講廳 LSK LT6
 魯庭暉校友 Alumnus Lo Ting-fai, Lofai


Popular groups Mirror and Error have brought an unprecedented pop culture scene to Hong Kong. How does the mastermind behind this - ViuTV’s Commander in Chief Alumus Lofai - view the phenomenal idol culture? And how does Lofai balance between creativity and operation profitability when he became the general manager of a TV channel?

23 Oct 2021(星期六 SAT)

DARP Mentorship Programme

Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu, Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan, Alumnus Lo Ting-fai, Lofai


DARP introduced a brand new Mentorship Programme this year. Each of the three distinguished alumni will become mentor for two students for six months so that they can provide in-depth knowledge of the industry to the students. The three alumni will select their own mentees. (See details HERE)


閉幕禮暨DARP論壇【媒體與企業在數碼新常態下的發展及出路】  廣東話 *提供英語即時傳譯
DARP Forum: “Prospects of Media and Corporate Communication under the New Normal of Digital Era” cum Closing Ceremony( Cantonese *Simultaneous Interpretation to English available

 23 Oct 2021(星期六 SAT)
 康本國際學術園1號演講廳 YIA LT1
Alumnus Eric Chan Cho-biu, Alumna Quince Chong Wai-yan, Alumnus Lo Ting-fai, Lofai

在數碼時代下,媒體的界線變得模糊,並且發展出獨特的新常態。DARP論壇將就此訂立題目,包括「紙媒應否被淘汰」、「香港電視如何可在國際發展」、「120年的老牌企業如何與時並進」、及「媒體及傳播界從業者需肩負的社會責任」,邀請學生發表意見與嘉賓對談,做到「反向教導」(Reverse Mentoring)及互相學習的效果。

The definition of media has become vague in the digital era. It has evolved into a new normal that is unseen before. In view of this, DARP forum will raise questions including “Should print media be eliminated?”, “How can Hong Kong television develop internationally?”, “How does a 120 year-old enterprise keep up with times?” and “What are the social responsibilities of media and communications industry?”. Participants will be invited to have a dialogue with the alumni to achieve “Reverse Mentoring” so both parties can learn from each other.

Click here for downloadable version of DARP 2021 programme list.