MyCUHK Login帳號及密碼是甚麼?
What are MyCUHK login ID & password?

Login ID: [10-digit Alumni ID]

Password: Alumni password (MyCUHK password)

  1. MyCUHK頁面選取“Alumni ID Enquiry / Password Reset”。
    Please click“Alumni ID Enquiry / Password Reset”.

  2. 請填寫你的個人資料,包括香港身分證號碼、生日、英文姓氏、大學記錄中的電子郵件。
    Please fill in your personal information (i.e. HKID, Date of Birth, Surname in English, Email in University Record.)

  3. 登入你的郵箱,你會收到來自 主題為【CUHK - Alumni ID Inquiry / Alumni Password Reset】的電郵,請輸入電郵中的OTP作核實。
    Login to your mailbox. You will receive the OTP in an email with subject "CUHK - Alumni ID Inquiry / Alumni Password Reset" sent by Then enter the OTP for verification.

  4. 請記下閣下的校友編號(ALUMNI ID)以便日後使用。如有需要,請按“Proceed to Reset Password”重設你的MyCUHK密碼,詳情可參閱這裡。
    Please remember your Alumni ID and keep it for future reference. If needed, you can press "Proceed to Reset Password" to reset your MyCUHK password.

  5. 依照大學建議格式設定你的密碼。
    Follow the University password requirements to set your new password.

  6. 成功設定密碼後你可即時使用新密碼登入 MyCUHK
    You can use your new password to access MyCUHK after receiving the successful password change alert.