香港中文大學澳洲校友會將於二零一一年五月一日 (星期日), 假座 扯旗山區 Pre-Uni New College 舉辦專題講座, 題目是「仁義道德四字的古今意義」,特別邀請資深講者 ---- 中大校友鍾倫納博士 (崇基/社會/72; 研究院/社會/74) 發表他的研究心得。
鍾博士曾任中大社會系助教,後負笈美國波士頓大學,取得博士學位。他的學歷和研究方向詳見個人網站 。 《中大校友》1998年九月號 (「人影誌」之海外學人版) 刊登了他的訪問稿
《鍾倫納 -- 樂意做橋樑的人》 , 可供參閱。
日期 : 二零一一年五月一日 (星期日)
時間 : 下午二時半至五時
地點 : 扯旗山 Pre-Uni New College
地址 : Unit 3, 340 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills
費用 : 全免
報名 : 請向陸汝川報名 0411-449-761 電郵 : |
You are invited to join us to a talk by Dr Tom Lun Nap Chung (鍾倫納) scheduled on Sunday 1 May 2011 at 2.30 pm at Pre-Uni College, Unit 3, 340 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills. For those of you who are interested to gather together for the evening, a dinner will be arranged with Dr Tom at a restaurant to be announced.
Dr Tom Chung went to the Chinese University of Hong Kong and obtained his Ph D in Boston University in medical sociology, complex organization and community studies. He spent 25 years in the field of aging, half of which as Director of Research for the Massachusetts Dept of Elder affairs. On the side, he obtained over a dozen contracts and grants to conduct Asian American studies and to provide training in community organization development. He was the founding director of the Tufts Institute for Leadership and International Perspective, in collaboration with Peking U, HKU, CUHK, and major international institutions.
Dr Chung also taught research methods at the University of Massachusetts and was a Research Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati Department of Family Medicine (2005 to 2008). He is now the Director of Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
For decades, Dr Chung has also maintained a keen interest in Chinese Culture and History. On the basis of his extensive studies of highly selective materials from especially the Harvard University Yenching Library, he has given talks to various audience, including a series of 16 talks on the "9000 Years of the Chinese Culture" in Boston. With innovative perspectives based on hundreds of references in archaeology, anthropology, history and philosophy, he has been trying to find out what Confucius and other key thinkers knew, what they did not know, what they knew but did not say, and what they said but was not heralded by their disciples. These talks will be published in two 300,000-word volumes. The first one, "A Re-Configuration of the Chinese History", is due to be released in Hong Kong this summer.
Dr Chung is coming to Sydney to visit his elderly mother. During his short stay here, we have the honour of inviting him to give a talk. The tentative topic is "仁義道德四字的古今意義". Attached is the outline. Dr Chung would be delighted to entertain other topics raised by any of you. An outline of other topics is attached just in case you are interested. Please visit his website for more information on his work on Chinese Culture and History.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sun 1/5/11 at 2.30 pm.