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2009¦~5¤ë21¤é¡A87·³ªº¨k¦ºªÌ¦b®a¶ÄªººU§ß¤U¡A¦b¨F¥Ð²Ä¤@«°¨p¤H«Îbùتº´³°¨½u¹L°¨¸ô¡A´Á¶¡³Q³Q§i¤H¾r¾pªº¥|ÅX¨®¼²¦º¡A®a¶Ä¥u¨ü»´¶Ë¡C¦b°Ï°ìªk°|ªk©xÀj²z½å(Kevin Browne)®u«e©Ó»{¤£¤p¤ß¾r¾p¡A±±¤è¤£±µ¯Ç¸û»´ªº±±¸o¡A°í«ùÀ˱±³Q§i¦MÀI¾r¾p¤ÞP¥L¤H¦º¤`¡C³Q§i¸g¼f°T«á³Q©w¸o¡A§PºÊ12Ó¤ë¤Î°±µP3¦~¡C«ß¬F¥q¤£ªA§P¦D¹L»´¡A¦V¤W¶D®x´M¨DÂЮ֦D´Á¡C
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¦bCooksley®×¡A^°ê¤W¶D®x»{¬°³Q§i¤Hªº¸o³d¬O¶q¦D®Éºnªº¦Ò¼{¡A·íµM®×µoªº«áªG¤]À³¦b¦D»@¤W¤Ï¬M¥X¨Ó(primary consideration must always be the culpability of the offender but the outcome of the offence should have some effect)¡C^°ê¤W¶D®x¸Ô²Ó¦C¥X¦Ò¼{ªº¦]¯À¡C
¥[«¦D»@ªº¦]¯À (Aggravating Factors)
¥Ç®×®É°ª¸o³dªº¾r¾p¼Ò¦¡(Highly culpable standard of driving at time of offence)
(a) Ãľr©Î¾K¾r
(b) ·¥«×¶W³t¡F«DªkÁɨ®
(c) ¤£²z·|¦P¨®¼«ÈªºÄµ§i
(d) ªø®É¶¡«ùÄò¤Î¨è·Nªº¤£¨}¾r¾p
(e) ¬DÆ]©Ê¾r¾p
(f) ¾r¾pªÌ¤£¥²nªº¤À¯«(Ä´¦p¾\Ū¤ÎÁ¿¹q¸Ü)
(g) ¦Ûª¾¨Å餣¾A·|ÄY«¼vÅT¾r¾p¯à¤O¤´µM¾r¾p
(h) ©úª¾ºÎ¯v©Î¥ð®§¤£¨¬¤´µM¾r¾p
(i) ¾r¾p«O¾i®t©Î¦MÀI¦a¶W¹Lt²üªº¨®½ø
¾r¾pºA«×ºD©Ê§C©ó¥i±µ¨ü¼Ð·Ç (Driving habitually below acceptable standard)
(j) ¦P®É¤z¥Ç¨ä¥Lªk¨Ò¡AÄ´¦pµLµP¾r¾p¡B°±µP´Á¶¡¾r¾p¡B¨S¦³«OÀI¡B¾ÇµP¨S¦³®v³Å«ü¾É¤U¾r¾p¤Î¥¼±o¨®¥D¦P·N¤U¾Õ¦Û¾r¨®
(k) ¾r¾p¬ö¿ý¡A¤×¨ä¬O¤£¨}¾r¾p©Î¾K¾r
¥Ç®×ªºµ²ªG(Outcome of offence)
(l) ¶W¹L¤@Ó¤H¦º¤`
(m) °£¤F¤ÞP¦³¤H¦º¤`¡AÁÙ¦³¤H«¶Ë
¥Ç®×®Éªº¤£t³d¦æ¬°(Irresponsible behaviour at time of offence)¥]¬A
(n) ®×µo«á¨S¦³°±¨®
(o) ¦]°kÁ×°»¹î©Î¶e®·¦Ó¦MÀI¾r¾p¤ÞP¥L¤H¦º¤`
(p) ³Q§i¦b«OÄÀ´Á¶¡¥Ç®×
¨D±¡¦]¯À (Mitigating factors)
(1) ¨}¦n¾r¾p¬ö¿ý
(2) ¨S¦³¦D¨Æ¬ö¿ý
(3) §Y®É»{¸o
(4) ¯u¥¿¨ü¨ì¥´À»©Î¦³®¬·N
(5) ³Q§iªº¦~·³
(6) ³Q§i¤]¦b®×¤¤¨ü«¶Ë
¶q¦D (Length of Sentence)
¨S¦³¥[«¦D»@ªº±¡ªp (No Aggravating Circumstances) : ºÊ¸T12¦Ü18Ó¤ë
¤¤«×¸o³d (Intermediate Culpability) : ºÊ¸T2¦Ü 3¦~
°ª«×¸o³d (Higher Culpability) : ºÊ¸T 4¦Ü 5¦~
·¥ÄY«¸o³d(Most Serious Culpability) : ºÊ¸T6¦~¥H¤W
µ§ªÌ¥u§âCooksley ®×ªº«ÂI²³æ¼g¥X¨Ó¡A¦bºô¤W¥i¥H§ä¨ì§PÃ㪺¥þ¤å¡C^°êªº¤W¶D®x»{¬°´Nºâ³Q§i»{¸o¦Ó¤£¦s¦b¥[«¦D»@ªº¦]¯À¡A¤@¯ëªº§P¦D°_ÂI³£À³¸Ó¥H12¦Ü18Ӥ몺ºÊ¸T§@¬°¦Ò¼{¡A°£«D¦s¦b¯S®í¨D±¡¦]¯À¡C
"30. An offence involving a momentary dangerous error of judgment or a short period of bad driving may be aggravated by a habitually unacceptable standard of driving on the part of the offender (factors (j) or (k) by the death of more than one victim or serious injury to other victims (factors (l) and (m) or by the offender's irresponsible behaviour at the time of the offence (factors (n) to (p). The presence of one or more of these features could indicate a sentence within the higher range, up to three years."
"32. When the standard of the offenders' driving is more highly dangerous (as would be indicated, for example, by the presence of one or two of factors (a) to (i) the Panel suggests that the appropriate starting point would be a custodial sentence within the range from two to five years. The exact level of sentence would be determined by the dangerousness of the driving and by the presence or absence of other aggravating or mitigating factors."
26. As a starting point we consider a bracket of 2 - 5 years is too wide. We suggest that sentencers should take as a starting point 4 - 5 years in relation to a contested case of this type. There will be cases which will involve higher sentences than 5 years because they are bad examples and cases, particularly where there is a plea, where the sentence will be less than 4 years where there are significant mitigating factors.
"34. The Panel suggests that custodial sentences over five years should be reserved for cases involving an extremely high level of culpability on the offender's part. This might be indicated by the presence of three or more of aggravating factors (a) to (i), although an exceptionally bad example of a single aggravating feature could be sufficient to place an offence in this category. A sentence close to the maximum would be appropriate in a case displaying a large number of these features, or where there were other aggravating factors."
¥»¤å©ÒÁ¿ªº²Ä¤@¥ó®×¡A¤W¶D®xı±o³Q§i¨Ã¤£¯A¤Î·¥«×¦MÀI¾r¾p¦æ¬°¡A§Ú¤£¸Tn°Ý¡A¥L·¥«×¶W³t(bì¯À) ¤Î¶W¹L¤@Ó¤H¦º(lì¯À) ¡A¬°¦óÀò±o´î¦D¡H4¦~ºÊ¸T¥i¯à¬O¸û«ªº§P¦D¡A¦ý¤£¬O©úÅã¹L«ªº¦D»@(on the high side but not manifestly excessive) ¡C¦ý¤W¶D®x¤Þ¥Î¸û¦®Éªº§õ¤Ñ¥Í®×§@¬°¤Ø«×(yardstick) ¨ÓÄÄz¥»®×ªº¶q¦D¡C§õ¤Ñ¥Í®×¬O³f¨®¦bÁc¦£µó¹D°ª³tÂàÅs¡A¼²Â_¸ôÃäÄæ§ý¡A½Ä¤W¦æ¤H¸ô¡A¼²¦º¤@¦W¦æ¤H¡A¼²¶Ë3¤H¡A¨ä¤¤¤@Ó«¶Ë¡C¤W¶D®x¤@¤è±Á¿
"While those convicted of causing death by dangerous driving are likely to regard disqualification as an onerous part of the punishment for the offence, the main purpose of disqualification is forward-looking and preventative, rather than backward-looking and punitive. A driving ban is designed to protect road users in the future from an offender who, through his conduct on this occasion, and perhaps other occasions, has shown himself to be a real risk on the roads. In general, the Panel suggests, the risk represented by the offender is reflected in the level of culpability which attaches to his driving, so that matters relevant to fixing the length of the driving disqualification for the offence of causing death by dangerous driving will be much the same as those appearing in the list of aggravating factors for the offence itself. Shorter bans of two years or so will be appropriate where the offender had a good driving record before the offence and where the offence resulted from a momentary error of judgment. Longer bans, between 3 and 5 years, will be appropriate where, having regard to the circumstances of the offence and the offender's record, it is clear that the offender tends to disregard the rules of the road, or to drive carelessly or inappropriately. Bans between 5 and 10 years may be used where the offence itself, and the offender's record, show that he represents a real and continuing danger to other road users.
¥H Cooksley ªº¼Ð·Ç¡A¶À°¶¶¯ªº°±µP¤j·§À³¸Ó¬O3¦Ü4¦~¡C¤£n»~·|§Ú¦P±¡®×¤¤³o³Q§i¡A¾ãÅé¦Ó¨¥¡A§Úı±o¤W¶D®xªº¶q¦D¤£¨¬¥HªýÀ~¦MÀI¾r¾pªÉÅU¥L¤H¦w¦Mªº¥q¾÷¡A¤]¤£¯à¤Ï¬MªÀ·|ªº¶D¨D©M´Á±æ¡C¬F©²¥i¥H°µªº¬O¦A¶i¤@¨Bקï³Ì°ª¦D»@¡A¨Ïªk®xªº¶q¦D¥i¥H¦V¤W½Õ¾ã¡A¹³^°ê¤@¼Ë¡A§â³Ì°ªºÊ¸T´£°ª¦Ü14¦~¡CCooksley ¬O2003¦~ªº®×¨Ò¡A2004¦~2¤ë¡A^°êרҧâ¦D´Á´£°ª¡A¦]¦¹²£¥Í¤F2006¦~R v Richardson & Orsªº·s¶q¦D«ü¤Þ¡A»´ä¤]À³¸Ó¥é®Ä¡C§Ṳ́£¯àn¼²¦º¤Hªº¥q¾÷Àv©R¡A§â¥q¾÷§P¦º¤]¤£¯à¨Ï³Q¼²¦ºªº¤H¦^¥Í¡A¦ý¶q¦D¤£À³¹L¥÷¦Ò¼{³Q§iªº§Q¯q¡A¦Ü¤Ön±Ä¨ú«ù¥ªººA«×¡A¨Ï¦D»@¨ã³Æ«e¤©ÊªºÄµç§@¥Î¡A¥H¤½²³§Q¯q¬°¨ÌÂk¡CÄ~Äò©h®§¾i¦l¡Anµ¥«Ý¦Aµo¥ÍºG®×¤~§@¥X¤ÏÀ³¶Ü¡H