Mirror Flower Garden
Paintings by Franz Cheung
Yuga Cafe Gallery
2nd to 23rd August, 2011

Mon-Sat: 7am to 5pm
Sunday: 8am to 4pm
(Closed Public Holidays)
172 St Johns Road, Glebe NSW
Tel:(02) 9692 8604
Email: chilikc@gmail.com
mobile: 0415 695 568
Preface by Franz
The Mirror Flower Garden: 鏡花園
In the Buddhist teachings nothing is everlasting, all existence is only a temporary illusion; like flowers reflected in a mirror, or the image of the moon shining on a pond.
In a similar way, for me the action of doing the painting is far more important than the final outcome.
The moment that I apply various media to the picture surface becomes the critical point in time. After that moment has passed, all that remains is a memento, a reminder for me and others of the essence of the moment.
These recent paintings of mine have given me a strong connection to the spirit of the ancestral artists who have created the long river of Chinese art. I am proud to be a modest part of this magnificent tradition and will continue an endless exploration of this tradition, playing with Western media to express my feelings.