馬桂順 (76)

MA Kwai-Shun


馬桂順現任香港教育學院體藝學系高級講師,另擔任香港康樂及文化事務署博物館名譽顧問。 1976年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系, 2002年獲澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術博士。他多次舉辦個展,並於《第九屆全國美展》中獲水墨畫優秀獎。

Ma Kwai Shun is Senior Lecturer of the Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. He also serves as Museum Honorary Adviser of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. He graduated from ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong in 1976 and completed a DFA at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia in 2002. He was awarded Ink Painting Prize in the 9th Chinese National Art Exhibition




 For the past few years, I have been exploring the synthesis of woodblock printmaking with painting in landscape painting. In the first stage it focused on the deconstruction of conventional brush painting process by experimentation of water-based colour woodblock printmaking and followed later in the second stage by painting on the printed works. The trip to Jiuzhaigou in 2003 has inspired me to further the exploration of visual impact of colour and abstract forms in my recent works.


作品名稱 / Work title九寨溝隨想系列: 水中山Jiuzhaigou Improvisation Series: Mountain in Water

媒介 / medium木版水印繪畫著色Wood block water-based print, ink and brush on paper

 呎寸 / Dimension (Height) x (Width) cm136 x 196厘米

 年份 / Year 2004



晨光木版水印 繪畫著色138 x 34厘米2006