

8月22日 (星期四):4:00pm - 8:00pm

8月23至28日(星期五至星期三):11:00am – 8:00pm


香港中文大學一直致力於推動創新與科研。「中大創業日」今年踏入十周年,大學於沙田新城市廣場首次舉辦「中大創新 ‧ 點亮未來」大型公眾展覽,讓大眾認識及體驗中大師生校友的創新創業成果。



"CUHK Entrepreneur Day 10th Anniversary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition : CUHK Innovations.Brightening the Future"

Date:22-28 August 2024
22 August (Thurs):4:00pm - 8:00pm
23-28 August (Fri to Wed): 11:00am – 8:00pm

Venue:L1 Entrance Arena, New Town Plaza Phase 1, Shatin

Event Details:

CUHK is dedicated to innovation and research. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the CUHK Entrepreneurship Day, the University holds its first large-scale community exhibition at Shatin New Town Plaza, showcasing cutting-edge research projects with programmes including interactive games and STEM experiential workshops for the public to learn about how the University’s research has transformed people’s daily lives. Distinguished start-ups founded by alumni will be there to introduce their projects.

To encourage students to explore CUHK's research, spark their interest in innovative technology and unleash their creativity, a reel competition has been organised for primary and secondary school students. Participants are invited to express their thoughts on "innovation, technology, and the future" by creating clips with the theme "CUHK Innovation ‧Brightening the Future." Please go here to find out more details: https://www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/cuhkeday/images/competition_details.pdf.