日期 2024年9月27日(五)及 2024年9月28日(六)
時間 15:00 – 18:00
地點 YIA LT3
- 創業起步 (例: 如何將意念轉化為創業項目、經營管理)
- 創業基金 (例: 如何尋找起動資金及投資者)
- 創業疑難 (例: 如何制定公司架構及股權分配)
- 創業加速 (例: 如何擴充業務及市場、大灣區發展)
- 創業輔導 (例: 成功/失敗經驗分享)
諮詢學長資料 (按英文姓氏排列)
- 陳家銘校友(23研究院行政人員工商管理)|Meat the Next聯合創辦人兼營運總監
- 陳樹偉校友(00崇基物理)|域思集團主席
- 張立志校友(05逸夫計算機工程學;07研究院計算機科學與工程學)|ShipAny聯合創辦人
- 馮潔儀校友(86 聯合經濟)|Rabbit Energy 聯合創辦人及首席財務官
- 呂力君校友(11 研究院工商管理)|路邦科技有限公司創始人及董事
- 蔡明都校友(88 聯合會計)|香港天使投資脈絡董事
陳家銘校友(23研究院行政人員工商管理)|Meat the Next聯合創辦人兼營運總監
陳校友現為 Meat the Next太加奶始創人,為香港食品科技初創,以飲食習慣改變抗衡氣候變化為目標,實踐ESG倡議,做到可持續,營養健康及共融的虎堅果太加奶。Meat the Next太加奶僱用更新人仕,更賦能年輕人,以新一代力量,創意,新質生產力及科技推動社會創新,抗衡沙漠化,並深入沙漠地帶,做到鄉村鎮興,達到社會共融。
陳校友於2000年於香港中文大學畢業即投身IT界,並於2007年獲得香港大學電子商務及互聯網電腦碩士學位。陳校友於2002年創辦域思科技有限公司,顆拍PayPal,專門提供電子商務及零售管理的全方位解決方案,於2009年創辦廣域度多媒體有限公司,專注於數碼營銷及創意方案,成為香港最大互聯網廣告及社交媒體營銷公司之一,當中亦成功憑WeShare.hk於2014年獲得青協頒發的創業獎。目前在中、港、台領導多間資訊科技及數碼市場推廣公司,聘請超過二百名數碼專才。2012年,他獲邀擔任加拿大國家證券交易所上市企業勝思控股(CHD)的獨立董事。陳自投身業界一直熱衷於推動行業發展,致力加強IT界與商業價值連結,分別創辦香港互聯網及電子商務發展協會、並參與香港無線科技商會的執委會成員。陳更積極參與培養專業人才培訓。成為中文大學崇基校友會會長及大學學院校董,除推動校友間聯繫外;更主張加強校友與學弟妹之聯絡將市場智慧承傳後輩,培育未來社會接班人。近年,陳校友專注投資大健康科技及教育,創辦了Health Advisor 及TechBob 科技教育中心,期望將IT知識進一步普及至年青一代。
Taurus Cheung is the Co-founder of ShipAny. Taurus graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with M.Phil. in Computer Science and Engineering. Before founding ShipAny, he held leadership positions in technology companies in North America and with over 15 years of experience in enterprise software and cloud-based solutions. Taurus has accumulated years of IT experience before embarking on his entrepreneurial journey. In 2019, Taurus saw a huge demand in e-commerce logistics service and thus developed ShipAny, the first smart logistics gateway for the e-commerce market in HK. ShipAny is now serving over 6,500 e-commerce merchants in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. ShipAny one-stop logistics platform interconnects multiple e-commerce platforms to multiple logistics service providers with the capability to enhance and streamline logistics operations which disrupts the manual logistics process and brings e-commerce to the new generation.
呂力君校友(11 研究院工商管理)|路邦科技有限公司創始人及董事
呂力君是一位成功的科創企業家。他是香港著名的科創企業「路邦」的聯合創始人。該公司專注於研究、開發和應用5G機械人和人工智能產品及解決方案。2017年,呂力君與商業夥伴麥騫譽博士成立了路邦動力有限公司,該公司成立後因其動感控制算法而聞名。2018年,路邦推出了中國首款5G動感控制仿生機械人,這使該初創公司成為多次屢獲殊榮的成功案例。呂力君擁有香港中文大學工商管理碩士學位和香港城市大學商業經濟學學士學位。他亦是香港城市大學HK Tech 300、廣西民族大學人工智能學院、江門職業技術學院信息工程學院的客座教授和創業導師。
蔡明都校友(88 聯合會計)|香港天使投資脈絡董事
Mingles Tsoi is a distinguished figure in the realm of angel investment, family office management, social impact assessment, fintech, career development, and corporate innovation. His exemplary leadership and chairmanship roles across various positions have solidified his reputation as a capable and professional talent. As the Chief eXploration Officer at ParticleX, Mingles has been pivotal in nurturing early-stage technology startups, facilitating their growth through strategic investments and leveraging his vast network, financial acumen, and research expertise. His tenure at ParticleX is marked by significant achievements, including the investment in 45 startups worldwide, These companies have demonstrated substantial growth in their return on investment over the past six years. Before his current role, Mingles' influence was felt at KPMG China as the Director of Startup and Innovation Services, where he provided expert consulting services to startups and innovative businesses. His dedication to startup education is evident from his eight-year tenure at the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship as Project Director. Here, he played a crucial role in the success of initiatives like the "Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge" and Google's Empowering Young Entrepreneur (EYE) Program in Hong Kong. Mingles' comprehensive experience and achievements make him an invaluable asset to any venture in angel investment, family office management, social impact assessment, fintech innovation, career development facilitation, and leadership in corporate innovation.