


3 Oct, 2019(星期四 THU)

開幕典禮暨專題演講【人生交叉點】 廣東話)
Opening Ceremony cum Keynote Speech —“Crossroads in Life”( Cantonese)

 3 Oct, 2019(星期四 THU)
 康本國際學術園2號演講廳 YIA LT2


When a single decision can adequately affect Hong Kong or even the international society, how can such enormous pressure be endured? In this session, Norman will look back at his career path, from being an Administrative Officer at the government after graduation to being a Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and share how he tackled the crisis and challenges encountered during his career journey, such as the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the outbreak of SARS in 2003 and the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, together with the tips when facing the crossroads in life.


明華夜話: 與陳德霖師兄深度對話 廣東話)
Night Talk @ Ming Hua Tang( Cantonese)

 3 Oct, 2019(星期四 THU)
 明華堂 Ming Hua Tang

陳校友在職場上叱咤風雲,工作上予人正經、嚴肅的印象。今次他重返昔日學生時代入住的宿舍——崇基明華堂,與中大人深度對話,你將感受到大師兄年少時的「文青」氣質 : 草地上課、與同窗討論人生哲理、關心社會的熱忱、涉獵各種文學、出國文化交流……處處流露中大的純樸、濃厚人文情懷和全人發展教育對他的啟蒙和影響。

Norman will return to Ming Hua Tang of Chung Chi College, the residential hall he stayed during his studies in CU, and have a causal evening gathering with members of CU. He will share stories about his early life at campus, and how the alma mater's unique culture and whole-person education shaped his personal and professional development.

4 Oct, 2019(星期五 FRI)

大師班【FinTech對金融產業的革新和挑戰】 英語)
Master Class: "FinTech—the Innovation and Challenges on the Financial Sector"( English)

 4 Oct, 2019(星期五 FRI)
 蒙民偉工程學大樓9樓演講廳 ERB LT


In a lecture setting, Norman will share his insights about FinTech and examine the subject in a macro perspective, covering topics such as the disruptive impacts of FinTech on the landscape of the financial sector, the correlation between technology and finance, as well as the challenges and opportunities for FinTech. The latest development of Smart Banking in Hong Kong will also be illustrated.


師生校友籃球友誼賽 廣東話)
Basketball Friendly Match with Staff, Students and Alumni ( Cantonese)

 4 Oct, 2019(星期五 FRI)
 香港中文大學大學體育中心體育館 CUHK Gymnasium


Playing basketball helps strengthen one's perseverance and physique, and also encourages team work and unity. In this session, Norman will join other fellow alumni of different generations to form the 'CU Alumni Team' and participate in a basketball friendly match with the 'CU Staff and Student Team'.


商業管理講座系列:陳德霖的人生課堂 英語)
Business Lecture Series–“It Works for Me: Life Lessons from Norman Chan”( English)

 4 Oct, 2019(星期五 FRI)
 鄭裕彤樓1號演講廳 CYT LT1


Norman will share life stories and lessons he learned at work and university. He will discuss some rules and habits that work for him, say in job hunting, career development, goal setting, delivery and execution. The dialogue will be followed by a Q&A session for students.

5 Oct, 2019(星期六 SAT)

專題演講【香港的國際金融中心角色和前瞻】 暨 閉幕禮 廣東話)
Keynote Speech —“Hong Kong: International Financial Centre and Future Prospects”cum Closing Ceremony( Cantonese)

 5 Oct, 2019(星期六 SAT)
 康本國際學術園3號演講廳 YIA LT3


Norman will discuss Hong Kong's longstanding strategic position as the gateway of China. He will explain how Hong Kong has greatly contributed to China's opening up and how Hong Kong has along this path developed into an international trading hub and international financial centre. He will then highlight new developments and opportunities for Hong Kong's finance industry including smart banking and green financing.