CNY Gathering
TT competition with Pui Ching Alumni
Dinner at SSStyle Restaurant
BBQ at Jells Park
Retirement Financial Planning
Winter Music Saloon Concert
Sunday walking
CCSOV annual concert
Mid Autumn Festival Activities
Family Photo and BBQ
Friendship Table Tennis Match
Global Internship Program


Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni (Melbourne)

Agenda for Annual General Meeting, 2006

 to be held on Sunday, 5 November, 2006

at 5.30pm

in East Dynasty Chinese Restaurant, Eastland Shopping Centre, Ringwood

            1.        Attendance

            2.        Confirmation of the minutes of the 2005 AGM

            3.        President’s report

            4.        Treasurer’s report

            5.        Open Forum

                      .          Incorporation of the Alumni

                      .          Any other matters

            6.        Election of members of new Executive Committee

會員大會後聚餐費用每位三十五元, 12歲以下小童每位二十元

Dinner after AGM.  Adult: $35 per head, Child (under 12) $20 per head 

歡迎各會員及親朋戚友參加會後聚餐.    Members, friends and relatives are welcome.

報名日期: 20061025

報名辦法:請email Edmond Luk ( )

 * Please review the attached Draft Constitution and vote at the AGM to accept the recommendation.



*For the rationale for a recommendation to incorporate the alumni association please refer to the attached memorandum from Tony Lau.




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This site was last updated 10/12/06