



沈校友畢業於1973年中文大學聯合書院社會工作學系,移居澳洲墨爾本四十二載,擔任社工近四十年,曾服務不同社會機構。看到當地華人罹患惡疾,身處異地,語言不通,孤單無助,當時在維省癌症協會(Cancer Council Victoria)擔任健康教育員的沈校友,獲邀籌組支援患癌華人的新生會。1996年,沈校友創辦「維省新生會」(Chinese Cancer Society of Victoria),無償地投入心力和時間,竭盡所能為華人社會服務,迄今已二十二年。她熱心服務癌症病人及照顧者的舉動,更讓沈校友在2014年獲得澳洲政府頒發OAM勳銜 (Order of Australia),以表揚她的傑出貢獻及服務。同年,她亦獲頒維省癌症協會President's Award。今年更獲委任為澳洲維省太平紳士(Justice of The Peace of Victoria)。

早於2006年,沈校友已榮獲墨爾本市市長社區服務貢獻獎(Lord Mayor's Award, City of Melbourne);2011年,她亦榮獲維省多元文化委員會卓越獎 (Victorian Multicultural Commission's Meritorious Award) 。沈校友積極從事義務工作的初衷,可追溯至大學時代。沈校友在大學早年曾於聯合書院般含道校舍讀書,那時候已在明愛中心做義工,深深明白「施比受更有福」;其後移居澳洲,沈校友從「零」開始義務服務新生會,曾目睹病人康復後,逐一笑着離開的情景,也感受過多少「最終一別」的悲傷。2002年,她在墨爾本完成哀傷輔導文憑,協助病人及其家人尋回人生價值、重拾信心,以及學會面對死亡離世。經過二十二年的服務,維省新生會在2018年1月踏入一個新里程碑,由原先集中服務癌症患者及其照顧者,擴大服務範圍至受慢性疾病影響的人士,包括柏金遜症和腦退化症等。 沈校友雖然在中大畢業兩年後即隨丈夫移民到澳洲,但仍然與中大校友社群保持聯繫。


Alumna Dorothy Yuen YIU (née Sham)

Mrs. YIU SHAM Yuen Dorothy, an alumna of United College, graduated from the Department of Social Work of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1973 and has been living in Melbourne, Australia for 42 years. As an experienced social worker in the territory for nearly four decades, Dorothy saw the difficulties and struggles of Chinese people affected by cancer in the Chinese community there, such as language barrier and absence of support from families and friends in a foreign land. In 1996, Dorothy, working at Victoria Elderly Chinese Welfare at that time, was invited by Cancer Council Victoria to establish “Chinese Cancer Society of Victoria” (CCSV). She has been devoted voluntarily since then to serving cancer sufferers and their caretakers from the Chinese community. In recognition of her outstanding dedication and service, Dorothy was awarded the Order of Australia (OAM) by the Australian government and also the Cancer Council Victoria's President's Award in 2014. In 2018, she was also appointed as a Justice of The Peace in Victoria.

Being also a recipient of “Lord Mayor's Award, City of Melbourne” and “Victorian Multicultural Commission's Meritorious Award” in 2006 and 2011 respectively, Dorothy found her passion for volunteering at the university. When she was studying at United College, whose campus was located on Bonham Road in her early university life, she volunteered at Caritas Centre and was much influenced by the saying “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. After moving to Australia, and starting from scratch, Dorothy has been supporting CCSV on a voluntary basis, where she has witnessed numerous sufferers who recovered from their illnesses and left with peaceful grace, while having undergone numerous occasions of sharing the grief for those departed. In 2002, she completed her Graduate Diploma in Loss and Grief Counselling to enhance her knowledge of helping patients and their families regain sense of purpose and confidence and learn how to cope with death and bereavement. After 22 years, CCSV turned a new page in January 2018 by expanding its services from cancer patients and their caretakers to also people affected by chronic illness/es other than cancers, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases.

Dorothy moved to Australia with her husband two years after she graduated from CUHK but maintains close connection with the alumni community. Since the establishment of “The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association, Victoria, Australia” in 2002, for which Dorothy had contributed, she has been actively participating in the alumni activities and taking part in different committees of the alumni association. “It is my prestige to study at CUHK,” said Dorothy, “CUHK-ers, wherever they are, shall bear in mind the humanistic spirit, care for the community, learn well and gain knowledge during stages of life, and, furthermore, make contribution to the society. This is the spirit that I hope can be passed on from generation to generation of our CUHK family.”