




周駱美琪校友自 2015 年起擔任阿里巴巴香港創業者基金的執行董事。駱校友於 2007 年加入阿里巴巴集團,在此之前曾在香港多間上市公司任職,負責融資、財務管理和規劃。駱校友除中大學位外,同時擁有香港科技大學工商管理碩士學位,亦是一名註冊會計師。她是香港特別行政區政府「創新、科技及再工業化委員會」及「語文教育及研究常務委員會」成員、數碼港投資者網絡策劃小組主席、香港中文大學「環球校友諮詢委員會」成員、團結香港基金顧問等。

Alumna Cindy Chow Lok Mei Ki
Executive Director, Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund

Alumna Cindy Chow has been the Executive Director of the Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund since 2015. Before joining Alibaba Group in 2007, she had worked in a number of Hong Kong listed companies, specialising in financing, management reporting and planning. Besides obtaining the BBA degree from CUHK, Cindy holds a Master of Business Administration and is a certified public accountant. She is a non-official member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialization and a member of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research of the HKSAR Government, the Chairperson of Cyberport Investors Network Steering Group, a member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Global Alumni Advisory Board of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, an advisor of Our Hong Kong Foundation and more.


趙慧嫻校友為新世界發展有限公司執行董事兼人力資源高級總監,負責規劃及推動集團全方位人力資源策略及政策, 包括人才招聘、人才發展及管理、薪酬福利及人力資源夥伴服務。趙校友於2004年加入新世界集團前,曾於資訊科技及通訊科技服務業及地產發展業內的知名企業擔任管理工作。 趙校友於人力資源及企業管理方面擁有逾20年經驗,同時現為香港公司治理公會及特許公司治理公會會士。

Alumna Jenny Chiu Wai Han
Executive Director & Senior Director – Human Resources, New World Development Company Limited

Alumna Jenny Chiu is the Executive Director at New World Development Company Limited, and currently she is also the Senior Director – Human Resources of the company, responsible for planning and driving full spectrum of strategic human resources direction, including talent acquisition, talent development and management, reward management and human resources partnering services.
Prior to joining the New World Group in 2004, Jenny had taken up managerial role in renowned corporations in information and communications technology services and property development industries. She possesses over 20 years of experience in human resources as well as corporate management. Jenny is also an Associate Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries and The Chartered Governance Institute.


林曼雅校友現為福布斯全球資產發展合夥人,負責投資及收購工作。她亦是特許金融分析師,從事金融行業的 25年中,曾於美國、英國和香港的不同金融機構擔任要職,包括福布斯私人資本集團、古根漢和匯豐銀行。 林校友是第六屆「香港傑出學生選舉」得獎者,並於2010年與一群資深「傑生」成立青苗基金及同時擔起「香港傑出學生選舉」及「最佳進步獎」的籌辦工作,現為青苗基金的主席。此外,她還身兼多項社會服務公職,包括自資專上教育委員會及房屋委員會等。

Alumna Norris Lam Man Ngar
Partner, Forbes Global
Steering Committee Chairperson, Youth Arch Foundation Hong Kong Outstanding Students Award

Alumna Norris Lam is currently the Partner at Forbes Financial Centers Development responsible for investment and merger acquisition. She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst. Among her 25 years in the financial sector, Norris held significant roles in different financial institutions in the US, UK and Hong Kong, including Forbes Private Capital Group, Guggenheim Partners and HSBC. Norris was one of the awardees of the 6th Hong Kong Outstanding Students Awards. In 2010, she and a group of past awardees set up the Youth Arch Foundation while serving to organize the Hong Kong Outstanding Students Awards as well as the Youth Arch Student Improvement Award. Currently, Norris is also the Chairperson of the Youth Arch Foundation. Furthermore, she provides advices as a member of numerous advisory bodies in Hong Kong including Committee on Self-Financing Post-Secondary Education and the Housing Authority.